Monday, July 18, 2011

In Summer Wakes the Sleeping Bear

As if from a movie set, masses of people flee evil parking in search for the cooling waters of 
Lake Michigan. The Dune Climb is a programmed incline of pure 3rd coast silicon dioxide moved by wind and water over the last few thousand years.  Most reached the summit to find a slender timber post indicating the additional 2 mile hike over sandy terrain and deemed it unattainable. Lucky for them (and my family) there is a scenic drive that will take you right to Sleeping Bear Point.

infinity edge beach

love love love interpretive signage 

One-of-a-kind and eroding slopes are no match for the stalwart. With an existing grade of 1:1 and a climbing index of 1:1.5,  for every 1 step forward, climbers lost 6 vertical inches making this a very frustrating return. Up the down escalator. 

The Old Sleeping Bear. According to the brochures it is on its way out. A phenomenon known as Blow Out is quickly taking her back out into the bay, one grain of sand at a time.

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